“walk in someone’s shoes”の意味
- “Before you judge her actions, try to walk in her shoes and understand the challenges she has faced.”
(彼女の行動を判断する前に、彼女の立場になってみて彼女が直面してきた困難を理解してください。) - “I know it’s difficult to comprehend what he’s going through, but try to walk in his shoes and see the world from his perspective.”
(彼が何を経験しているか理解するのは難しいと分かりますが、彼の立場になって彼の視点から世界を見てみてください。) - “It’s easy to criticize their decisions, but until you walk in their shoes, you won’t truly understand the challenges they face.”

Why is she so upset about not getting the promotion? It’s just a job.

It’s important to try and walk in someone’s shoes. Getting a promotion could have been a significant career goal for her, and she might feel disappointed or undervalued. Let’s consider her perspective.

Yeah, I didn’t think about it that way. I should be more understanding and supportive.
A: なぜ彼女は昇進できなくてそんなに落ち込んでいるのかな?ただの仕事だよね。
B: 相手の立場になってみることが大切だよ。昇進は彼女にとって重要なキャリアの目標だったかもしれないし、彼女は失望や自己評価の低さを感じているかもしれない。彼女の視点を考慮してみよう。
A: そうだね、そう考えることはなかったな。もっと理解的で支えになるようにすべきだよ。
① “View things through someone else’s eyes”
- It’s beneficial to view the situation through their eyes to understand the impact it has on them.
(彼らの目を通して状況を見ることで、それが彼らに与える影響を理解することができます。) - Let’s try to view the issue through a different lens and see if we can find a solution.
② “See things from someone else’s perspective”
- It’s important to see things from his perspective before jumping to conclusions.
(結論を出す前に、彼の視点から物事を見ることが重要です。) - I tried to see the situation from her perspective, and it made me realize the challenges she was facing.