”look on the bright side”の意味
- I know you didn’t get the job you wanted, but try to look on the bright side – you gained valuable interview experience.
(望んでいた仕事は受け取れなかったけれど、明るい面を見つけてみて。面接の貴重な経験を得たんだよ。) - It’s raining on the day of our picnic, but let’s look on the bright side – we can have a cozy indoor gathering instead.
(ピクニックの日に雨が降ってしまったけど、明るい面を見つけようよ。代わりに屋内で居心地の良い集まりができるね。) - I didn’t pass the exam, but I’m trying to look on the bright side and use this as motivation to study harder next time.

I can’t believe I missed my flight. Now, I’ll have to wait for hours at the airport for the next one.

It’s disappointing, but look on the bright side! You’ll have some extra time to explore the city once you arrive. Maybe you’ll discover some cool places during the layover.

You’re right. I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks for helping me see the positive side of things.
A: 飛行機に乗り遅れちゃったなんて信じられない。次の便まで何時間も空港で待たなきゃいけなくなっちゃったよ。
B: がっかりだよね。でも、明るい面を見つけてみて!到着後に少し余分な時間ができるから、街を探検する時間が増えるかもしれないよ。立ち寄りの時間に、面白い場所を見つけるかもしれないね。
A: そうだね。そういう視点は考えてなかった。ポジティブな側面を教えてくれてありがとう。
“Every cloud has a silver lining”
意味: どんな悪い状況でも何か良いことがある
- I was really upset about not getting the promotion, but every cloud has a silver lining – now I have more time to focus on my side business.
(昇進できなくて本当に落ち込んでいたんだけど、ポジティブに考えると、今は自分の副業に集中する時間が増えたんだ。) - The car broke down during our road trip, but we met some amazing locals while waiting for the tow truck.
Every cloud has a silver lining.